Monday, January 4, 2010

Marinara Recipe from Meals to Deals

1-2 lbs. ground Italian sausage (spicy optional) Put more sausage if you like more of a meaty sauce
1 8 oz. mushrooms sliced
Garlic, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes (fresh or dried) About 1 T. of each seasoning. Do what you like!
Sauté the above ingredients while using a food processor to dice the carrots, celery and onions.
½ - 1 c. carrots finely blended/diced
½ - 1 c. celery finely blended/diced
½ - 1 c. medium to large white onion/diced
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 T. basil
1 T. sugar
8-10 (15oz. cans) of stewed or whole tomatoes or frozen/fresh tomatoes from your garden-if they are fresh, add a little sugar to balance the acidic flavor.
1-2 cans of tomato paste

Sauté sausage, onions & mushrooms until brown and tender in a large saucepan. Add diced carrots, celery and onions with 1 T. olive oil. Add the seasonings, except the basil, and cook until carrots, celery and onions are soft. Add tomatoes and the juice from the cans. For a smooth red sauce, puree all tomatoes and ingredients together in blender. Or for meatier sauce puree tomatoes only, and leave other ingredients in chunks. Allow sauce to simmer 2-5 hours on low, sauce should reduce about one third. Add basil right before serving. Simmer with out the lid on the pan! This freezes very well.

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